Ibn Mas’ud (ra) – narrated that the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “How will you be when you will be enveloped by a trial, [through which] the old will reach senility and the young will grow. People will take it to be a Sunnah, and if any part of it is left, it will be said, “has a Sunnah been left?” They asked, “And when is that?” He said, “When your scholars are gone; when your reciters will increase in number; when your Fuqaha will be few in number; when the number of rulers increases; when the trustwrothy ones will be few; when the world is sought through the actions of the Hereafter; and when knowledge of the Religion is sought, but not for the Religion.” [Related by al-Darimi (1/64), with two chains, one of which is authentic, and the other of which is hasan (acceptable); by Hakim (4/514).]
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